Saturday, May 11, 2013

Hello. I am Tom Mitchell.  These are actual reviews of products that I have either owned or spent a large amount of time with.


If you have come across this blog by using a search engine, I can assure you that I am not a fake blog posted by the marketing department of a company. I can also assure you that I am not trying to entice anyone to buy/use a product just because I do. It's just MY honest assessment of what I have experienced.

I've always been curious as to what a better, higher-priced stereo would sound like. I was able to spend time with two brands in particular:  REGA and RED WINE AUDIO. Here are my thoughts....


I kept things simple, and used ALL REGA products for this setup: Speakers, Amp, even the speaker cables were REGA brand.  I loved the simplicity of it, but the overall effect was that I couldn't listen to this system for more than about 15 minutes at a time.  It was TOO BRIGHT.  I even wrote the company and they told me in a polite email that it was most likely due to my room.  This could very well be the truth, but after I got a different system, I came to the realization that the REGA system was just too bright for my tastes.  Too bad, because REGA has a great reputation (especially for its turntables). I thought that maybe I had found a company that I could be loyal to for the rest of my life. Oh well. 


Very satisfying. I actually CRAVE the sound of this system and truly miss having this system around. I had it hooked up to pair of FritzSpeakers.  Even in the same room as my REGA system (where I was told my room was at fault), the RWA setup sounded warm, detailed, and beautiful.